He who creates the worlds without ceasing is threefold.
He is Brahma the Father;
he is Maya, the Mother;
he is Vishnu, the Son;
Essence, Substance and Life,
each included the others,
and all three are one in the Ineffable.
He is Brahma the Father;
he is Maya, the Mother;
he is Vishnu, the Son;
Essence, Substance and Life,
each included the others,
and all three are one in the Ineffable.
Man is a wonderful creation.
He carries not only his past history with him,
but the whole creation - visible and invisible -
and the Creator himself.
-Sawan Singh
He carries not only his past history with him,
but the whole creation - visible and invisible -
and the Creator himself.
-Sawan Singh
The natural depth of man is the whole of creation.
Look at the scope of yourself.
-Wilson van Dusen
Look at the scope of yourself.
-Wilson van Dusen
It is you, cerebral man,
who distinguishes what creates from what is created.
-R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
There is no man alone,
because every man is a microcosm,
and carries the whole world about him.
-Thomas Browne
But now I hold the powers of creation
in the palm of my hand -