The soul moves out and the body withers away.
People spend a lot on funeral rites:
What is the use of decorating the dead body?
The weight of honour is put in the balance, saith Nanak,
and then by weighing in it, it is known what man is worth.
What one sow, that he will reap
from the field of his own works.
One's own work is arranged by himself
with his own hands.
They are always in misery
because they act in the obstinacy of their mind.
They do not attain contentment and do not love the truth.
The mind is encircled by vices and acts under their influence.
Narada (the mind) dances, and this is the influence of Kaliyuga.
You are accustomed to do the deed which makes you feel ashamed.
The mind is burning with ego.
O Anger! the origin of all quarrels - Thou hast o mercy,
Thou leadest the beings towards vices
While dancing like a monkey.
O mind: Why dost thou wander in the forest of senses?
Thou hast lost thyself in a mirage.
O heretic mind: do not be a hypocrite.
The Pandits go through the holy books,
but do not understand their substance.
He reads the holy books with commentaries,
He does not remember Ram, his way of living is not flowless.
He instructs and makes other people firm.
But he does not practice, whatever he says.
Those who have no capital in truth, how can they be happy?
By carrying on a base traffic, the mind and body became base.
He hath not carried on traffic with piety,
he hath done no good works, O friend!
What is the use of life without the Name?
As the fish dies without water,
similarly the disciple dies without the Name.
No one cares for the order of God.
Some sang, but their minds were not happy.
They sang uselessly in egotism.
They really sing, who love the Name,
And contemplate on the true bani and Word.
The self-willed person does not attain the target.
All impurity is illusion,
it clings to duality.
As is the dream of the night
so is this world.
A wave of water, froth and bubble
are not separate from water.
In winter the arms look splendid around the neck of the Lord.
Let good conduct by thy fasting.
The right time for sowing the True name hath come;
what one sows, that will he eat.
The raft could not be prepared at the proper time;
When the ocean is at high tide, it is difficult to cross.
However saline may be the waters of the sea,
the disciple crossed it to meet the Guru.
Truth is the treatment of all ailment,
It washes away all sins.
Everything is below the Truth,
But truthful life is above it.
Those who see Truth and speak Truth,
Their bodies and minds become truthful,
Truth is their evidence.
Truth is their instruction,
True is the praise of the truthful.
Those who have forgotten Truth,
cry in agony and weep while departing.
To imbibe Truth in the heart is the real task of life.
Modesty is my sceptre.
Those who are humble, are in fact, great;
Whoever shows humility to others
is really superior to others.
If weighed in a balance,
The humble is weighty.
Wherever we go, we should talk gently.
All are pleased with soft words.
We have to leave in the world
the pleasing cloth of beauty.
There are many patches in the quilt,
but there are not in the soul, saith Farid.
He keeps both body and mind pure.
They waste the night in sleep and the day in eating.
This diamond-birth is wasted
The vice is never satiated
And the fool is always hungry.
The more sensuous pleasures, the more sorrows.
The match of love and the explosive of contemplation
were use and the shell of knowledge was fired.
The divine fire was lit up steadily
and the victory was attained with one blow.
The burning fire has been extinguished,
God himself hath saved me.
Too much talking is useless.
He talks less.
He sleeps less and eats less.
He wears simple dress and is simple in his lodging.
Truly educated learns to serve others.
Service is the real work.
If mercy be the cotton, the contentment the thread,
Continence the knot and truth the twist,
If this be the sacred thread of the soul,
Then O Pandit! put it on me.
This sacred thread neither breaks, nor becomes dirty,
Neither is burnt, not lost;
Blessed are they who put it round their necks and depart.
Thy name is my holy bath.
Thy name is my seat of worship.
Thy name is the water which I rub and present.
Thy name is the earthen lamp, the wick and the oil poured in ti,
The lamp has been lit by thy Name
and the whole house has become resplendent.
Thy name is the thread and the wreath, the whole vegetation.
There is only God in the ten directions.
I went in all ten directions.
I saw him everywhere.
He loves the shadow of the tree;
The shadow ends and he repents in the mind.
My ideal is to cleanse the feet,
the feet of the lovers of the Lord with my hair.
I have become pure by taking bath in the Name of Hari.
The meditation on the Name of the Lord wipes out ego,
The meditation on the Name of the Lord absorbs in truth,
The meditation on the Name of the Lord
empowers one to think of Unity within Him,
The meditation on the Name of the Lord
leads toward final beatitude,
The meditation on the Name of the Lord
gives knowledge of the three worlds,
The meditation on the Name of the Lord
gives eternal bliss, saith Nanak.
Meditate on the true name of the Lord
In the early hours of the morning.
Meditate on the Name before daybreak,
Remember Him day and night.
The medicine for all ailments is the Name of the Lord.
The kernel of all the comforts
lies in studying the horoscope of the mind.
You calculate the auspicious moments, but do not realise,
That God is far above the effects of these auspicious moments.
The astrologer prepared the horoscope after calculations,
he reads and relates, but does not realise the reality.
Whoever kills the wicked ego from within,
Is a real warrior, saith Nanak.
The mountain is not move by the storm and wind.
When I threw open the treasures of the ancestors,
My mind itself became a treasure (of spiritual joy).
The sun appeared with resplendent light.
The ray of the sun comes from the sky
and the lotus of the tank blossoms;
Such is the love of the Lord in the heart
that light meets light.
There is one tree, its boughs are innumerable,
the flowers and leaves are full of sap.
This is the garden of nectar, that Perfect Hari hath made it.