I Am


How shall I define what thing I am?
Wholly existent, and yet non-existent, through Him, I am.

Whatever becometh naught out of entity,
The signification of that nothingness I am.

Sometimes a mote on the disc of the sun;
At others, a ripple on the water's surface.

Now I fly about in the wind of association:
Now I am a bird in the incorporeal world.

By the name of Ice I also style myself:
Congealed in the winter season am I.

I have enveloped myself in the four elements;
I am the cloud on the face of the sky.

From unity I have come into infinity:
Indeed, nothing existent, that I am not.

My vitality is from life's source itself;
And I am the speech, every mouth within.

I am the hearing-sense with every ear;
And also the sight of every eye am I.

My will and inclination are with all;
With mine own acts, also, satisfied am I.

Unto the sinful and vicious, I am evil;
But unto the good beneficent am I.
-Mirza Khan Ansari