
[The Absolute is]
An Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable Principle
on which all speculation is impossible,
since it transcends the power of human conception...
[It] is the rootless root of 'all that was, is, or ever shall be'.
-Helena Blavatsky

That which is not thought about by the mind
but which makes the mind think - know that as the Absolute.

What you call the absolute is not the absolute,
for it is what you have defined, and so it is relative.
-Paul Ferrini

Wind, spirit, breath are all symbols of emanation,
to which the forth-pouring from the Absolute is comparable.
-G. A. Gaskell

The Absolute is the Great Affirmative.
-Ruth Lambek

Everything must be done for the Absolute,
and nothing should be done
to acquire any particular thing except union with the Absolute.
-H. H. Shantananad Saraswati