
The body is God,
the body is the temple,
the body is the worshiper,
the body is the sacred shrine.
The body is the incense,
the lamp, the sacred offerings;
it is the body I worship
with broken petals.

May my body be a prayerstick for the world.
-Joan Halifax

In this body, the mount Meru - i.e. the vertebral column
is surrounded by seven islands;
there are rives, seas, mountains, fields; and lords of the fields too.
There are in it seers and sages; all the stars and planets as well.
There are sacred pilgrimages, shrines; and presiding deities of the shrines.
The sun and moon, agents of creation and destruction, also move in it.
Ether, air, fire, water and earth are also there.
All the beings that exist in the three worlds are also to be found in the body;
surrounding the Meru they are engaged in their respective functions.
-Siva Samhita

The sun came out of his eyes, the moon from his mind,
Indra and Agni (fire) from his mouth,
wind from his breath, air from his navel,
sky from this head, earth from his feet.
-Rig Veda

There's a moon in my body, but I can't see it!
a moon and a sun.

Within the body abide all the continents,
world and the nether regions.
-Jagat Singh

The human body is the truest shrine,
Of gems of knowledge the greatest mine.
-Amar Das

The human body is the only true temple,
the only true mosque, the only true church,
where the Lord can be found.
-Charan Singh

Without a human form,
How can God speak to us?
He speaks through the screen
Of the body.

There is no member of my body
which is not the member of some god.
-Book of the Dead

Within this body
breathes the secret essence.
-Tulsi Sahib

What you cannot find in your body
you will never find anywhere else.
-Eastern Saying

Very beautiful is that body-bride.
-Amar Das

The physical body is the body as examined by others;
the subtle body is the way you feel yourself.
-Alan Watts

I am not one of those who neglect the body
in order to make of it a sacrificial offering for the soul,
since my soul would thoroughly dislike being served in such a fashion.
-Rainer Maria Rilke

The body consciousness is a patient servant
and can be in its large reserve of possibilities
a potent instrument in the individual life.
-Aurobindo Ghose

This human body
With which the Lord has bless you
Is a symbol of divine grace;
use it for true worship of the Lord
So that your karmas will be burned
And your soul will be make pure.
-Dayal Singh

This body is not a home but an inn, 
and that only briefly. 
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

In the retreat hut that is my own body
I sweep away the dirt.

Your Abode is where the physical body exists not -
why are you then tied down to this body?
-Dayal Singh

Nothing is revealed while the person
is still under the spell of the body.

Cease being a prisoner of your body.
-Lahiri Charan Mahasaya

The original sin is 'I am this body.'
That is the cause of all problems.
So when you have a vehicle,
the vehicle is to take you to the destination,
but not to identify with it.

Contemplate the constituents of the body -
Muscles and blood and marrow and bones -
As radiantly dancing emptiness.
Tender One,
Practice this and be born
Into the steady light of being.
-Lorin Roche

Forget all of your ideas about the body -
It's this way or it's that way.
Just be with any area of it,
This present body
As permeated with limitless space,
Drenched in freedom.
-Lorin Roche

At death the net of the body is at last torn apart
Taking down the boundaries of one's retreat.

Your body stands on its own
when it's up with the clouds.
-Hsu Yun