
The more you focus on sin,
the more you become a sinner.
The more you focus on God,
then you become one with That.

Do not cling to good,
Do not reject evil!
Purity and defilement -
If you depend on neither,
You will grasp the empty nature of sin.

There is no right and no wrong.
But right is right and wrong is wrong.
-Seung Sahn

As soon as you get into yes and no,
You lose your body and forfeit your life.

The guardian of the best
with the face of the worst.
-Jean Carteret

The wise should not dwell
in the middle either.

Complete like empty space,
lacking nothing, no excess.
-Third Patriarch of Zen

Beyond duality is our home,
and that home is majestic.
-Djalal al-Din Rumi