
The soul is given life by the four-elements.
-Sultan Valad

He is not the four elements;
he is the one who can use the four elements.

I could flood the world with my tears;
or, I could burn the world with my flame.
-Djalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi

May the sun, moon, winds, waters, earth, etc. all be mine.
-Vedic Prayer

O human soul,
How like to the water,
O human destiny,
How like to the wind.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The Stone that is Mercury, 
is cast upon the Earth, 
exalted on Mountains, 
resides in the Air, 
and is nourished in the Waters.
-Michael Maier

By the earth we fall down,
by the earth we stand up.
-Shunryu Suzuki

The four elements soon dissociate;
they cannot be long maintained.
-Won Hyo

The five elements have become one.
-Devara Dasimayya

When that happens the five elements in you
earth, water, fire, wind, and ether will dissolve, 
and you'll be free to merge in the Supreme.
-Mahendranath Battacharya

When the Yogi has full power over his body
composed of the four elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether,
then he obtains a new body of spiritual fire
which is beyond illness, old age and death.

They burn with fire - we burn with water;
they wash with water - we wash with fire.
-Jan Baptist Von Helmont