
The essence of all practices leading to freedom is the same;
that is, developing a mind which does not cling to anything at all.
No preferences.
No distinctions.
No judgements.
No clinging.
No condemning.
-Joseph Goldstein

I don’t mind what happens. 
That is the essence of inner freedom. 
It is a timeless spiritual truth: release attachment to outcomes, 
deep inside yourself, you’ll feel good no matter what.”
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

Freedom is the dream you dream
While putting thought in chains again.
-Giacomo Leopardi

Go on saying, "I am free."
Never mind is the next moment delusion comes and says,
"I am bound."
Dehypnotize the whole thing.

Freedom is identification with the Real.
-Imre Vallyon

Freedom: there's none unless you know the Self.
but if you know the truth, then you are free.
-The Upanishads

Only spiritual freedom is absolute and unlimited;
when it is won through persistent effort,
it is won forever.
-Meher Baba

To pass through to freedom,
you must get beyond form, sensation, conception, 
motivational synthesis and consciousness.

Your only freedom is in intercourse with Christ.
-Phillips Brooks

Man will not be free
until he vibrates in harmony with the cosmic spirit.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

One is only free when one is fulfilling the divine will.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

At the end of the way is freedom. 
Till then, patience. 

If you surrender to the truth
that no phenomenon can ever touch,
you are free.
-Merle Antoinette Roberson (Toni), "Gangaji"

Freedom means completeness,
no lack anywhere -
no lack of knowledge,
no lack of power,
no lack of anything.

Attainment of perfection
means absolute Freedom.
-William Walker Atkinson, "A. P. Mukerji"

Let us live happily, then, free
from all ailments among the ailing!
-Buddhist Saying

The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it -
basically because you feel good, very good,
when you are near or with them.
-Charles Bukowski

O, man - if you only knew that you are free.
It is your ignorance of your freedom 
that is your captivity.
-Fariduddin Attar