When you notice an inner gateway,
Enter with love, as one coming home,
You belong here.
-Lorin Roche
Why does the gate have to be narrow?
Because you cannot pass beyond it burdened.
-Wendell Berry
Before thou canst approach the foremost gate
thou hast to learn to part thy body from thy mind,
to dissipate the shadow, and to live in the eternal.
For this, thou hast to live and breathe in all,
as all that thou perceivest breathes in thee;
to feel thyself abiding in all things, all things in Self.
-Helena P. Blavatsky
thou hast to learn to part thy body from thy mind,
to dissipate the shadow, and to live in the eternal.
For this, thou hast to live and breathe in all,
as all that thou perceivest breathes in thee;
to feel thyself abiding in all things, all things in Self.
-Helena P. Blavatsky