
The Godhead is a source from which all things do rush,
And then return to it. An ocean it is thus.
-Angelus Silesius

The God who is pure emptiness
Is created as form:
Becoming substance, light and darkness,
The stillness and the storm.
-Angelus Silesius

What is God after all?
An eternal child playing an eternal game in an eternal garden.
-Auorbindo Ghose

Childhood is busy with toys.
Youth is busy with sex and romance.
Middle age is busy with money and material security.
Old age is busy with sickness and worries about death.
No one is busy with God.

You say that you will see God and His light some day;
O Fool! You never shall, you must see Him today.
-Angelus Silesius

Wherever you turn is God's face.

God cometh in the garb of man,
and cometh He to awaken the world.

Thank you God for coming to me in this form.

Man is a reflection of God;
but the reflection cannot exist without the object reflected;
so man must know what God is,
if he would know himself.

As the fragrance is in the flower
And the reflection in the mirror,
So is God within thee,
In thine own body shouldst thou seek him.
-Teg Bahadur

Anyone whose reward from God is deferred until tomorrow
has not truly worshipped him today.
-Abu Yasid al-Bistami

God in his time
Or out of time will correct this.
-R. S. Thomas

God is our centre and yet it is for us to acknowledge that he is the centre...
Even while he is at the centre of all things he waits outside us
and knocks to come in.
-Mister God, This is Anna

Whoever believes he can reach God by his own efforts toils in vain;
whoever believes he can reach God without effort
is merely a traveller on the road of intent.
-Abu Sa'id al-Kharraz

The voice of God is heart; Listen within and seek;
Were you but always silent, he's never cease to speak.
-Angleus Sileisu

The only way to be with God is in total silence.
-Leonard Jacobson 

The ability to return to God
surpasses everything.
-David A. Cooper

Who wants to savor God and will in him inhere,
Should, like the morning star, to its own sun draw near.
-Angelus Silesius

God dwells in light supreme, no path can give access;
Yourself must be that light, if you would there progress.
-Angelus Silesius

Man, wrap yourself in God, abscond into His Light:
I swear that you will thus escape the devil's sight.
-Angelus Silesius

In no part of His Universe can God be passive.
-Phillips Brooks

Mind, Spirit and the Word, they teach you clear and free,
That you may apprehend how God is One, yet Three.
-Angelus Silesius

There is only one God.
He is our Lord of the Meeting Rivers.

Indeed one can name God by all His highest names
And then again one can each one withdraw again.
-Angelus Silesius

Five sphere there are in God: serf, friend, son, bride and spouse.
Who goes beyond becomes oblivious to those.
-Angelus Silesius

When the paintings are hidden, you will see the Painter.
O brother, I will tell you the mystery of mysteries.
Know, then, that painting and Painter are one!
-Farid ud-Din 'Attar

The Beloved is of beautiful and variegated color
and He manifests himself in color after color.
When the divine vision takes place,
then [all] colors are contained in [one] color.
-The Bujhn Niranjan

Whilst you exist, God cannot be.

I have bought God, I have bought God.
The bargain was easy.
I gave myself completely
And got him completely in return.

Man, if you live in God, and die to your own will,
How simple it will be His precepts to fulfill.
-Angelus Silesius

Tell between me and God the only difference?
It is (put in one word) nothing by otherness.
-Angelus Silesius

God was and there was no thing with Him.

I am like God and God like me.
I am as Large as God, He is as small as I.
He cannot above me, nor I beneath him be.
-Angelus Silesius

I am He whom I love,
and He whom I love is I:
We are two spirits dwelling in one body.
If thou seest me, thou seest Him,
And if thou seest Him,
thou seest us both.
-Mansur al Hallaj

Uniting with the Lord
I have myself become the Lord,
no darkness now remains in me.
For I have reached that dwelling,
where even the wind cannot go.

God known in ecstasy of love
Wedding himself to utterance of himself
-Lascelles Abercrombie

By glorifying God
you create Him as yourself.

Here a person becomes so divinized
that everything he is and does,
God does and is in him.
-Johannes Tauler

As many souls as there are, so many gods there are.
-Sanskrit Saying

He becomes as great at the sky
including within himself the whole universe.
he bears the night in the form of non-existence.