
A heart makes a good home for the friend.
-Yunus Emre 

Great hearts are like great suns.
They contain their own light and warmth.
You have no need therefore of praise;
you do not even need thanks;
but I must tell you that I love you more every day,
not only because you are one of the marvels of the age,
but also because you are one of its consolations.
-Victor Hugo (in a letter to Alexandre Dumas)

The heart is like the eye: a tiny little grain.
When it is in your heart, already causes pain.
-Angelus Silesius

Go, clear out your heart's chamber;
arrange it as the abiding-place of the Beloved.
When you go forth, He will come in,
and to you, with self discarded,
He will unveil His beauty.
-Mahmud Shabistari

The light of the beloved
rises from the horizon of my heart.
-Moulana Shah Maghsoud

The heart of a lover, a true devotee of God,
constantly burns with the fire of love, so much so,
that whatever intrudes upon its sanctity is burnt to ashes.
-Baba Farid

The beloved sat facing my open heart for so long that,
but for Her Attributes and Nature,
nothing remained of my heart.

Metaphorically, the heart is the sun,
the pulsing, energetic center of our biophysical "solar system".
-Paul Pearsall

The heart is a dwelling-place
of that which is the essence of the universe.
-Farid ud-Din Attar

The entire Universe is condensed in the body,
and the entire body in the Heart.
Thus the Heart is the nucleus of the whole Universe.
-Ramana Maharshi

The heart is wide as a spiral galaxy.
-Lorin Roche

Heart is merely another name
for the Supreme Spirit.
-Ramana Maharshi

Once the heart has become the ocean of life
it accommodates all things and all beings.
-Vilayat Inayat Khan

If you want the secret of Buddhism,
Here it is: Everything is in the Heart!
-Ryokan Taigu