In many cultures,
important transcendent qualities
are personified as transcendent beings.
-Jill Mellick
A deity is generally depicted
as representing one dominant aspect of the Divine,
and, being besides being the focal point of devotional expressions,
a deity's attributes are symbols
meant primarily to orient one's thoughts and feelings.
Images give tangible expression to universal truths,
abstract concepts of philosophy, and mystical realization.
they serve as links between the infinite and the finite,
the eternal and the transcendental, the formless and that with form.
-John A. Grimes
They even forget,
that all deities reside in the human breast.
-William Blake
Open your hearts,
tell the spirits of light
that they are welcome,
that you need them.
Ask them to come in and purify you;
ask them to give you their light.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov