
What is this true meditation?
It is to make everything:
coughing, swallowing, waving the arms, motion, stillness, words, actions,
the evil and the good, prosperity and shame, gain and loss 
into one single koan.

Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with God,
that is the state of meditation.
-Sai Baba

I throw myself down in my chamber,
and I call in, and invite God, and his Angels thither,
and when they are there, I neglect God and his Angels,
for the noise of a fly, for the rattling of a coach, for the whining of a door.
-John Donne

In zazen, leave your front door and your back door open.
Let the thoughts come and go.
Just don't serve them tea.
-Shunryu Suzuki 

He who is skillful in mindfulness
Is skillful in meditation.
-Je Drikhungpa

If you need to make an effort to go into meditation,
you are still very far from being able to live the spiritual life.
When it takes an effort to come out of it,
then indeed your meditation can be an indication
that you are in the spiritual life.
-Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"

Perhaps our first glimpse of emptiness in mediation
is the recognition that our thoughts are not actually "real."
-David Nichtern

Meditation not detached from duality
May bring the inner sensations.

It is important for the meditator in this state
not be attached to the lustre of sublime sensations and experiences,
but to remain detached from such an experience.

Most meditators know how to meditate,
But only a few know how to dismantle [mental clinging].
-Je Gyare

They should meditate with consistency
On the nondual state of bliss and its void.

Plunging without reservation
Into the ocean of bliss is meditation.
No image, no thoughts, no props.
-Lorin Roche

When you are able to sit 
without any image or any sound with an open mind,
that is true practice.
When you can do that, you are free from everything.
-Shunryn Suzuki

Solve all your problems through meditation.
-Lahiri Charan Mahasya

When your meditation continues throughout waking and sleeping,
wherever you are is divine.
-Hakuin Ekaku