
The world is nothing but mind.
All is mind.
-Lankavatura Sutra

The world is nothing
but you own magnified mind.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"

Know that nothing exists apart from the mind.
Realize the mind itself is devoid of true reality.

All that is comes from the mind;
it is based on the mind,
it is fashioned by the mind.
-Pali Canon

All that appears in the mind
is mind itself.
-Anthony Paul Moo-Young, "Mooji"

When we look for things there is nothing but mind,
and when we look for mind there is nothing but things.
-Alan Watts

Things are things because of Mind;
the Mind is the Mind because of things.

And I realize that no matter where I am,
whether in a little room full of thought,
or in this endless universe of stars and mountains,
it's all in my mind.
-Jack Kerouc

I began to understand that mind
is no more than mountains and rivers
and the great wide earth,
and the sun and the moon and the stars.

Mind is the Buddha,
while the cessation of conceptual thought is the Way.
-Huang Po

All directions are in the mind.
All dimensions are in the mind.
All reference points are conceptualised data points.
-Gilbert Schultz

The mind is but a conceptual designation.
Nothing exists apart from this designation.

Everything cognised is just what is called 'mind',
And what is called 'mind' is just the cognising of everything.
-Wei Wu Wei

The worldly man with mind confused
Is like a tangled skein of thread
Which cannot be woven into cloth.
-Ram Das

A deluded mind is hell.
Without delusions.
the mind is the country of the Buddhas.

Mind, as we know it,
is resolvable into states of consciousness,
or varying duration, intensity, complexity etc.
all, in the ultimate, resting in sensation.
-Helena P. Blavatsky

The mind is but a movement in consciousness.
-Steven Sadleir

What we call mind,
the consciousness formed by thought, is material.
It is part of the outer world and ruled by its mechanism.
-David Frawley

When the mind is not turned outward
it reflects consciousness itself.

By definition,
the mind that operates by exclusion, by division,
cannot experience non-duality.
-John A. Grimes

A mind that does not need to separate and exclude
in order to perceive reality
will encounter far less resistance in the current of life
and inflict far less violence on others.
-Cynthia Bourgeault

When dualistic thoughts are cleared
The mind becomes stable and immobile.

Right now,
if you cannot pass through the barrier,
it is obviously because your mind has many serious attachments.
If you can clear these away and reach the realm where there is no conditioned mind,
all delusions and defilements and emotional habits will end,
and all the obstructions 
created by conditioned knowledge and arbitrary views and intellectual understanding
will be dissolved away - what else is there?

Instead of gathering knowledge, you should clear your mind.
If your mind is clear, true knowledge is already yours.
-Shunryu Suzuki

Keep your mind clear like space,
but let it function like the tip of a needle.
-Seung Sahn

Do not permit things to crowd in on your mind.
Take a thought or a little prayer or a poem -
anything of spiritual significance -
and form an armor about you...
This practice will bring wholeness and healing.

Only by avoiding intentions
will the mind be rid of objects.
-Shen Hui

The mind should be kept independent of any thoughts
that arise from within it.
If the mind depends on anything, it has no sure haven.
-Diamond Sutra

Our mind should stand aloof from circumstances
and on no account should we allow them to influence
the functioning of our mind.

Have a mind that is open to everything
and attached to nothing.

One should use the mind in such a way
that it should be free from any attachment.
-Diamond Sutra

When the mind is free of its thoughts,
it becomes its own fulfillment.
-Stephen Mitchell

To manage your mind,
know that there is nothing,
and then relinquish all attachment to the nothingness.
-Hua Hu Ching

All things are your own mind.
Seeing objects as external is a mistaken concept;
Like a dream, they are empty of concreteness.
This mind, as well, is a mere movement of attention
That has no self-nature, being merely a gust of wind.
Empty of identity, like space.
All things, like space, are equal.

The mind is in full play when disturbed by nothing;
the breeze is the cleanest that is untainted.
-Haku Rakuten

You must keep this mind balanced and equanimous,
without deluded ideas of self and others,
without deluded ideas of self and others,
without arbitrary loves and hates,
without grasping or rejecting,
without notions of gain or loss.
Go on gradually nurturing this for a long time,
perhaps twenty or thirty years.
Whether you encounter favorable or adverse conditions do not retreat or regress,
then when you come to the juncture between life and death,
you will naturally be set free and not be afraid.

You don’t have to do anything with your mind,
just let it naturally rest in its essential nature.
Your own mind, unagitated, is reality.
Meditate on this without distraction.
Know the Truth beyond all opposites. 
Thoughts are like bubbles that form and dissolve in clear water.
Thoughts are not distinct from the absolute Reality, so relax;
there is no need to be critical.
Whatever arises, whatever occurs, simply don’t cling to it,
but immediately let it go.
What you see, hear, and touch is your own mind. 
There is nothing but mind.
Mind transcends birth and death.
The essence of mind is pure Consciousness that never leaves reality,
even though it experiences the things of the senses.
In the equanimity of the Absolute,
there is nothing to renounce or attain.

Let your mind remain like the sky without clouds!
Let your mind remain like an ocean without waves!
Let your mind remain like a butter lamp without a breeze!
-Je Gampopa

Spotless is my mental sky, 
below, ahead, and high above. 

Direct your powerful mental energy to benefit all beings together
instead of letting it run about uncontrollably like a mad elephant,
destroying yourself and others.
-Thubten Yeshe

The human mind
is part of the infinite intellect of God.
-Baruch Spinoza

The mind's highest good
is the knowledge of God
and the mind's highest virtue
is to know God.
-Baruch Spinoza

Great is Mind.
Heaven's height is immeasurable,
but Mind goes beyond heaven;
the earth's depth is also unfathomable,
but Mind reaches below the earth.
The light of the sun and moon cannot be outdistanced,
yet Mind passes beyond the light of the sun and moon.
The macrocosm is limitless, yet Mind travels outside the macrocosm.
How great is Space!
How great the Primal Energy!
Still Mind encompasses Space and generates the Primal Energy.
Because of it heaven covers and earth upbears.
Because of it the sun and moon move on,
the four seasons come in succession,
and all things are generated.
Great indeed is Mind!
-Myoan Eisai

Mind is merely the instrument
through which the Self experiences the external world.

The mind is an instrument which can be used
by either the self-centered nature or the divine nature.
-Mildred Lisette Norman, "Peace Pilgrim"

My mind is a torch
lit from the eternal sun.
-Aurobindo Ghose

The divine light...
readily enters into the eye of the mind
that is prepared to receive it.
-Benjamin Whichcote

Radiant light is the function of the mind,
empty silence is the substance of the mind.
-The Secret of the Golden Flower

Learn to see the mind as a center of pure light...
rid your consciousness of any thought of the mind as intellect...
learn to see it as simply a powerful reflector
of the light of the soul.
-Alice Bailey

The mind becomes only a witness
when you experience yourself as Light.
-Sivananda Radha

Mind is the creator of everything.

Mind alone creates those dreams, 
mind is the dreamer.
-Sivananda Radha

Can the mind follow its own creation? 
But to where?
-Sivananda Radha

The mind of a sage, even when angered,
is never perturbed.
Can a man heat the waters of the sea with a lighted straw?

He who thinks of the mind
In terms of one or many
Casts away the light and
Enters the world.

That which can think of the other,
the projection,
is mind.
-Tibetan Saying

The struggle between good and evil 
is the primal disease of the mind.

A man who is helpless before his own mind
is helpless before everything in the world.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

I have a mind to confuse things,
unite them, bring them to birth,
mix them up, undress them,
until the light of the world
has the oneness of the ocean,
a generous, vast wholeness,
a crepitant fragrance.
-Pablo Neruda

We shall find that the mind has no existence by itself, 
it is only the glitter of the sun on the surface of the waters. 
-D. H. Lawrence

The conscious mind will enjoy no peace
until it can rejoice in a fuller understanding of its own unconscious sources.
-Lancelot Law Whyte

Wherefore it is said that everyday mind 
is the true law.

Set to work on the mind, and the matter is decided.

The first is, possession of one's mind.
The second is, a mind that is free.
The third is, a mind that can see.
-Franz Pfeiffer, Meister Eckhart

But how could I let a speck of dust
Into the city of the mind?
-Wu Cailan

When the mind is nowhere it is everywhere.
When it occupies one tenth,
it is absent in the other nine tenths.

Your mind is like the sea.
When the wind comes, there are very big waves.
When the wind dies down,
the waves become smaller and smaller,
until finally the wind disappears altogether
and the sea is like a clear mirror.
Then the mountains and the trees and all things
are reflected on the surface of the sea.
There are many thought-waves now in your mind.
But if you continue to practice don't-know mind,
this thinking will become gradually smaller,
until finally your mind will always be clear.
When the mind becomes clear, it is like  a mirror;
red comes and the mirror is red;
yellow comes and the mirror is yellow,
a mountain comes and the mirror is a mountain.
Your mind is the mountain; the mountain is your mind.
They are not two.
So it is very important not to be attached either to thinking or not-thinking.
You mustn't be upset by anything that goes on in your mind.
Only don't worry and keep don't-know mind.
-Seung Sahn

The mind dazzled by supreme ecstasies
refuses to return to a dark and deceitful world
with all those illusions ending in pain.
-Sivaananda Radha

When a Sadhaka
attains the projection of mental arena of 360ยบ,
he becomes one with the cosmic mind.
-Lalan Prasad

When the mind is in a state of uncertainty
the smallest impulse directs it to either side.

If attention is diverted even a little,
the mind tends to become extrovert.
If the mind is not turned inward, it will turn outwards;
it has nowhere else to go and it cannot keep quiet.

If the mind ever so slightly strays from the ideal and becomes outgoing,
then it goes down and down,
just like a ball, inadvertently dropped on a flight of stairs,
bouncing down from one step to another.

It is the nature of the mind to wander.
You are not the mind.
-Ramana Maharshi

If you try to stop the mind,
it will only become more active.
It is not necessary to stop it.
You must ask it where it is going.

Awaken the mind
without fixing it anywhere.
-Diamond Sutra

Should your mind wander away, do not follow it,
whereupon your wandering mind will stop wandering of its own accord.
Should your mind desire to linger somewhere, 
do not follow it and do not dwell there,
whereupon your mind's questing for a dwelling place will cease on its own accord.
Thereby you will come to possess a nondwelling mind -
a mind which remains in the state of non-dwelling.
If you are fully aware of yourself as a nondwelling mind,
you will discover that there is just the fact of dwelling,
with nothing to dwell upon nor not to dwell upon.
This full awareness of yourself of a mind dwelling upon nothing
is known as having a clear perception of your own mind,
or, in other words, as having a clear perception of your own nature.
-Hui Hai

Go back to your original state of mind -
to the roots of the thoughts
and the names and forms,
clearing all the debris of the water
on the surface mind as it is called
and to reach such a deep pure state of mind
is not to let the mind abide anywhere.
No fixation so to say.
In another way,
the Zen way is to 'let the mind abide nowhere.'

O Brethren, the Mind-Reality has no definite form.
It permeates and runs through the whole universe.
In the eye it acts as sight; 
in the ear it acts as hearing;
in the nose it acts as the sense of smell;
in the mouth it speaks;
in the hand it grasps;
in the feet in walks.
All these activities are originally but one single spiritual illumination,
which diversifies itself into harmonious correspondences.
It is because the mind has no definite form of its own
that it can so freely act in every form.

A man without mind will travel far
To a place no mind, speech or body can reach.

The mind in its intrinsic nature is completely pure.
Namnang Ngonjang (Vairochanabbhisambodhi)

The mind in its nature is pure and luminous.
It is nonsubstantive, undefiled, and detached from any subatomic particles.

The mind in its nature remains pure and lucid.
It nevertheless manifests exactly as the intellect wills it to be,
just in the was white woolen fabric is transformed by the use of dyes.

The pure mind
which is the source of all things,
shines forever with the radiance of its own perfection.
-Huang Po

The mind is the soul's eye.
-Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues

It is as though you have an eye
That sees all forms
But does not see itself.
That is how your mind is.
Its light penetrates everywhere
And engulfs everything,
So why does it not know itself?

See within,
and you will find where all the objects
are truly found - within mind.
-Kenneth G. Mills

When the mind looks into mind,
Not seeing is the true seeing.

When looking again and again into the unseen mind,
The fact that there is nothing to see is vividly seen as it is.
Cutting through doubts about its nature being or not being,
May we unmistakably recognize our own essence.
-Karmapa Rangjung Dorje

Mind means 'I.'
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

Verily, man is his own mind.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

We have a mind.
We are not it.
-Shaun de Warren

Our nature is the mind.
And the mind is our nature.

 Mind exists only as long as there is sound.

Mind, like space, has no foundation.
It is not a palpable or solid thing,
and it does not do anything.
Rather, the mind is a sign of a specific focal setting,
being taken on Great Space (Consciousness).
-Tarthang Tulka

The wide-open expanse of the view,
The true condition of the mind,
Is like the sky, like space:
Without center, without edge, without goal.
-Shabkar Rinpoche

Whatever is the nature of space is the nature of mind.
-Namnang Ngonjang

The primordial purity of mind
Is the nature of space;
There is nothing one can receive or reject.

There is nothing mind can do that cannot be done better
in the mind's immobility and thought-free stillness.
-Aurobindo Ghose

Little by little, through patience and repeated effort,
the mind will become stilled in the Self.
-Bhagavad Gita

A cup fell to the ground
With a sound clearly heard.
As space was pulverised,
The mad mind came to a stop.
-Hsu Yun (Xu Yan) 

It is only such a mind
that sees the whole of life as a unity,
as a unitary movement, not fragmented.
Therefore such a mind acts totally, not fragmentarily,
because it acts out of complete stillness.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

If we stop all movement,
our minds will become tranquil,
and then this tranquility will bring movement once more.
-Taisen Deshimaru

The mind is hidden
within the living matter.
-Alexis Carrel

Mind is nothing but subtle matter.
-Sadhu Santideva

Mind is thought.
-Deepa Kodikal

The mind is defined
as a continuous flow of thoughts.

The mind becomes what it thinks about.

The mind is what it thinks.
To make it true, think true.

Mind is only a bundle of thoughts.
The thoughts have their root in the I-thought.
-Ramana Maharshi

Mind is only thoughts.
The more easily you can be without thoughts,
the nearer you are to a direct experience of Self.

For the sake of Spirit, O Mind,
Let go of all these wandering thoughts!
-Rig Veda

The key is utilizing the three minds as one -
upper mind to observe, middle mind to think, and lower mind for awareness...
Smile down and connect all three into one.
-Matak Chia and William Wei

The true mind is the balanced mind.
The true mind is the integral mind.
The true mind is the crystal clear mind.
The true mind is the transcendental mind.
and the true mind is the natural unspoiled mind.
It contains all the positive virtue.
-Hua Ching Ni

The mind of the past is ungraspable;
the mind of the future is ungraspable;
the mind of the present is ungraspable.
-Diamond Sutra

It is only such a mind
that sees the whole of life as a unity,
as a unitary movement, not fragmented.
Therefore such a mind acts totally, not fragmentarily,
because it acts out of complete stillness.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

Mind is the dividing wall between the individual soul and the Supreme Soul. 
If the mind is destroyed the individual soul becomes identical with the Supreme Soul.

When the mind agrees to be
the intelligence of the heart
it is no longer the slayer of the real.
-Hugh l'Anson Fausset

When the mind gives up attachment to the external objects,
when it is filled with remorse, renunciation and understanding,
when it is saturated with repentance for past foolishness,
when it fosters progressive qualities of head and heart,
then it truly becomes fit for merging with the Divinity.
In that state, it contemplates on Divinity alone.
-Sathya Sai Baba

Spending time with your own mind is humbling and broadening.
One finds that there's no one in charge,
and is reminded that no thought lasts for long.
-Gary Snyder

These violent revulsions of the mind on itself gave me,
without my knowing it,
a comprehension of its power,
and accustomed me to the workings of the mind.
-Honore de Balzac