
Advaita is a Sanskrit word that literally means "not two." 
Synonyms of Advaita are non-duality (nonduality, non duality). 
Advaita is not a philosophy or a religion.
 Non-duality is an experience 
in which there is no separation between subject and object; 
a "me" and the rest of the universe; a "me" and God. 
It is the experience of consciousness, our true nature, 
which reveals itself as absolute happiness, love and beauty. 
Consciousness is defined as that, whatever that is, 
which is aware of these very words right here, right now. 
-Francis Lucille

Nonduality is the oneness before the number one.
-Rabbi David Aaron

Enlightenment is the sudden recognition that non-duality is, 
has always been, and will always be 'the reality of our experience. 
Duality is an illusion. 
Consciousness is not private and personal, but impersonal, universal, and eternal. 
There is no limited personal entity, no conscious ego. 
The ego is a perceived object, not the all perceiving awareness.
-Francis Lucille

Nonduality is like a married couple.
Two apparent individuals merge as one (ideally), and after a life-time of unity, 
their unity as well as their illusory separateness, dies.
Their unity disappears.
If we are Nonduality fanatics/lovers of beingness/Life,
and we intend to keep the marriage/unity of existence alive forever
by calling it 'reality' or 'truth', 
then we are nothing but addicts addicted to experiencing.
You are beyond experiencing.
Stop messing around.
You do not exist, nor does the seer of 'I do not exist' exist.
Free Beyond seeing and being.
The allower of all, yet never wrapped up in anything
even when consciousness appears to be.
-Bentinho Massaro

Misery may not completely disappear
Immediately upon realizing the [truth of] nonduality.
Who can deny that someone has attained the path of insight,
Even though he has yet to realize the complete qualities?
The early morning sun can neither melts frozen water
Nor heat the ground and stones at once.
Yet who can deny the existence of the sun?
-Je Shang