
The compass and square produce perfect circles and squares.
By the sages, the human relations are perfectly exhibited.

The qualities that endear a man to God
are river-like generosity,
sun-like affection,
and earth-like hospitality.
-Mu'in ud-Din Chisti

Goodwill and harmlessness his weapons are.

True Knowledge comes of three things -
a tongue which repeats the name of God,
a heart which is grateful,
 a patient body.

A lover always shows compassion to others in difficulties,
and rather than broadcast any faults they may have,
he tries to cover them.
He must, furthermore, have these four qualities:
First: He makes the ears deaf so as not to hear
anything which is not proper.
Second: His tongue becomes so mute
so as to abstain from speaking evil.
Third: He renders his eyes blind
so as not to observe the weaknesses of others.
Fourth:  He must be as though lame of foot
so as not to visit any place merely to fulfill his flower desires.
-Baba Farid

Integrity, wisdom, skill, intelligence -
such things are forged in adversity.

The dignity of man requires obedience to a higher law -
to the strength of spirit.
-Mohandas Gandhi

Nobility is such a virtue.
You can conquer the whole world with it.
Nobility is self determination not to be corrupt.
It is a self declaration.
It is discipline of the self not to corrupt.
It is code of conduct to be noble.
-Yogi Bhajan

When you can stand before corruption and win
that is an undivided personality.
When temptation cannot get to you, no matter what,
that is the test of your divinity.
When depression doesn't get to you,
that is the test of your morale.
When you do not lose your temper,
that is the test of your moral.
When you can answer sweetly and correctly and kindly,
that is the test of your wisdom.
-Yogi Bhajan

For the attainment of any Dharma
or virtues like non-violence, forgiveness and truthfulness,
first the seeds of the respective Dharma must be sown.
In other words, before we attain those virtues,
we should enjoy praising them;
and we should be fascinated by them.
This is called the sowing of the seed of Dharma.
Later, the seed of Dharma sprouts in the form of a taste for Dharma,
a desire for Dharma
and thus the tree of Dharma grows
and puts forth finally the fruits of Dharma.

Bliss, clarity and nondiscrimination
Are the three sensations in which deviations occur.
Bliss, clarity and nondiscrimination constitute
The pinnacle of all meditations.
-Je Gampopa

How is the Christ nature going to manifest through you?
Physically you are going to be beautiful...
Emotionally you are going to radiate
compassion, love, serenity and calmness.
-Torkom Saraydarian

Fill the soul with goodness,
and fill the soul with love,
that is the filling it with God.
-Frederick W. Robertson

Only the contemplation of His Attribute
can dislodge you from your attribute.
-Ibn Ata'Illah