
Without self-realization
no one can ever be content.
-Brahmajna Ma

One of the axioms of spiritual realization
is doing consciously what would otherwise be done unconsciously.
-Pir Vilayat Khan

We loosely talk of Self-Realization for lack of a better term.
How can one re-alize 
and make real that alone which is real?
All we need to do is give up our habit of regarding as real
that which is unreal.
All religious practices are meant solely to help us do this.
When we stop regarding the unreal as real,
then reality alone will remain,
and we will be that.
-Ramana Maharshi

The finite self...
ceases to make any claims or to protest in its own right
offering itself instead to the infinite truth.
When the finite mind...
capitulates wholly to infinite truth,
the soul becomes one with that truth in self-realization.
-Meher Baba

Realizing God is nothing but the ability - 
the expansiveness of the heart -
to love everything equally.