
We study the self to forget the self
in order to know all things.

Devote yourselves to penetrating and clarifying the self,
as earnestly as you would put out a fire on the top of your head.
-Hakuin Ekaku

Only in the whole are the parts known.
The Self or Spirit is that Whole.
Only by knowing the Self can all the separate elements by known.
-Brihardarankyaka Upanishad

Your constant utilization of thought 
to give continuity to your separate self is 'you'. 
There is nothing there inside you other than that.
-U. G. Krishnamurti

The self divides into ten billion distinct illuminating spirits.
Distinguish these without falling into names and classifications.

It is not a question of analyzing yourself,
it is a question of seeing yourself.

The Self is all the gods; all is within the Self;
the Self generates all deeds and consequences for all wearers of bodies.

The real Self is not I but We.
-Fritz Kunkel

I looked upon the world and missed the Self,
And when I found the Self, I lost the world,
My other selves, I lost.
-Aurobindo Ghose

That inner Self, as the primeval Spirit,
eternal, ever effulgent, full and infinite Bliss,
single, indivisible, whole and living,
shines in everyone as witnessing awareness.
-Ramana Maharshi

Really the Self
is unattached, actionless, characterless,
immutable, formless, Being-Knowledge-Bliss, the Inner Witness.
-Ramana Maharshi

The Self is really unattached pure intelligence...
Within this sheath of knowledge,
the Self throbs as the self-effulgent Light,
the supreme soul, homogenous, the Truth,
all pervasive, complete, immutable, the Supreme Lord.
-Ramana Maharshi

Strictly speaking,
there is nothing but the Self.

There is nothing in the universe "other" than ourself.
Nothing to compare, name or identify.
When it's the only thing there is,
how can we talk about it?
-Taizan Maezumi

There is no I or thou
but only one divine Self equal in all embodiments.
-Aurobindo Ghose

There is but one self,
and that is the Spirit,
the individual.
-Inez Eudora Perry

What is the true self?
It's brilliantly transparent like the deep blue sky,
and there's no gap between it and all living beings.
-Kodo Sawaki

The true Self
is not outside the body.
-Kobo Daishi

The supreme Self is one,
but the souls of the Self are many.
-Aurobindo Ghose

The self behind our mind, life and body
is the same as the self
behind the mind, life and body of all our fellow-beings.
-Aurobindo Ghose

I have no self but am the Self,
which knows itself to be the Self in all.
-Alice Bailey
Learn to look with an equal eye upon all beings,
seeing the one Self in all.
-Srimad Bhagavatam
The Self is Life and the Only Reality,
and whoever is initiated into the Self -
and in this way has come to know himself completely -
loves everything and everyone equally,
for his is one with them.
-Elisabeth Haich

Looking inward or outward
there is no fixed self.
-Dogen Zenji

The Self alone is the world, the 'I' and God.
-Ramana Maharshi

The self can be seen
as our individual share of God.
-Dane Rudhyar

The Self, the immanent Godhead,
the Kingdom of Heaven within us.
-Aldous Huxley

The unwavering awareness
that I am Siva, the self of the universe,
constitutes the knowledge of Self.
-Siva Sutras

That which the Chandogya Upanishad had coined the Self,
taken up inexhaustively by the subsequent Upanishads,
Buddha called non-existence.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

The whole universe
is of one and the same root as my own self.
-Seng Chao

The Self -
at one and the same time the self of all living creatures,
and therefore my Self - knows no bounds;
so the entire universe is within me,
and my Self fills all the universe.
Everything that is - I Am!
-Elisabeth Haich

You can only put your attention on one thing at a time.
While it is on your mind or your body, it cannot be on the Self.
Conversely, if you put attention on the Self and become absorbed in it,
there will be no awareness of mind and body.

Thy Self is the master of thyself;
and thy Self is thy refuge.
-The Dhammanpada

The Self (Sage) seated in the higher mind,
and regarding the planes above,
observes the perfection of the archetypal order of things,
and looking below perceives the partial and distorted reproduction 
on the lower planes.
Thus he is aware of the causes of ignorance and illusion,
and their relation to knowledge and truth.
He traces the phenomena of nature to their beginning,
and follows them out to their ending;
thus he comprehends the meaning of death and life.
He perceives how the union of spiritual quality and mentality 
produce forms of life,
and the disappearance from manifestation,
and the wandering again to reincarnation of the soul,
produce development of constitution of the souls of humanity.
Thus he knows the essential qualities of the phenomenal life,
and the spiritual or soul within that life.
-G. A. Gaskell

The King Atman sees his own self
in different forms of his own light.

The Self that thou hast to become
is that self that thou art within
behind the veil of mind and life and matter.
-Aurobindo Ghose

Knowing all objects to be impermanent
let not their contact bind you
resolve again and again to be aware of the Self that is permanent.
-T. Krishnamarcharya

The revelation of the Self
arises in the person who is now only absolute desire.

The point of Self-Realization
is to be freed to acknowledge none other than the Self,
to love none other than the Self, and to be the Love of the Self,
and find no other.
-Kenneth G. Mills

Knowledge that all is Self, and for the Self,
And by the Self, and so unshaken Peace!
-Bhagavan Das

Who is there apart from the Self,
if one only abides ever in the Self,
without swerving from that Primal State
and never differentiating oneself from others?
-Ramana Maharshi

He who abides in the single state of the Self,
his every activity is worship,
his every utterance is a true mantra,
and his every gaze is meditation.