Soul and Spirit

The soul is not a "thing" but a set of qualities representative of Spirit.
It is a transitional entity,
only need to blend our spiritual and material (ego) selves.
It is the mediator between Spirit and matter.
The soul cannot truly be defined, but it can be known by metaphor,
some of the more common being the Christ consciousness,
the Indwelling Flame, the Higher Self, the Solar Angel,
the Observer or Onlooker, and our Individuality.
We think of the soul as being the essence of a thing,
the conscious factor in all forms.
-Jacquelyn Small

The soul has long been used to symbolize the inner nature of man,
with its lower self, rooted in the mud of the material world,
rising through the waters of the astral or emotional nature
into the air where the bloom of the soul unfolds
in the fiery light of the spiritual sun.
-David Tansley

The soul is the ray of that sun
which is the infinite Spirit.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

Esotericists have described spirit
as the essential ground of being for each individual,
characterized by nonduality, timelessness and absolute interrelatedness.
Soul, by contrast, is the more personal aspect of an individual nature,
closer to the ordinary ego and more associated with the emotions.
The soul also contains the imprints of individual memories and thoughts.
-Ray Grasse

Spiritual forces being the life, the reproductive principle,
the soul, the developmental principle....
-Edgar Cayce

What moves in you, what you call your soul,
is an etheric double 
of the body which encloses within itself an immortal spirit.
-Edouard Schure

The soul is the bridge, the connection,
between body and spirit.
-Rodney Collin

The soul is evidently a spiritual manifestation
of the supreme spirit,
while the body is the physical manifestation.

The soul is the garment,
the body of the spirit.
-Grace Cooke, "White Eagle"

The spirit is the whole.
The soul is the individual.
-Edgar Cayce

It is capacity which makes the soul a soul;
otherwise it would be spirit.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

The realization of the fullness of the soul
leads to abandonment of soul to spirit.
-Titus Burckhardt

In a sea of spirit, all lifetimes are fused into one.
-William Douglas Horden

When the soul has lost her nature in the Oneness,
we can no longer speak of a "soul"
but of immeasurable being.
-Meister Eckhart

Our soul is our eternal relationship with God.
-Marion Woodman

The uncovering of the soul
is the discovering of God.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

When a soul arrives at its full bloom,
it begins to show the colour and spread the fragrance
of the divine Spirit of God.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan

The soul, when purified,
abides entirely in God;
its being is God.
-St. Catherine of Genoa