The Soul originally descended from Nirvana (the Kingdom of God),
passed through Paradise (the Buddhic Realms),
and finally stabilized in Heaven (the formless causal levels of the Mental Plane).
-Imre Vallyon
Matter does not exist solely on the physical plane
but on the etheric, astral and mental planes as well.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
If you reach the state of consciousness corresponding to a plane,
you experience what is on that plane.
You will always land on the level that corresponds to your being.
It all depends on what you want.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan
If you cultivate wisdom and light
you will develop your causal body
which will become one with your mental body.
If you cultivate pure, absolutely selfless love,
you will develop your buddhic body
which will become one with your astral body.
And if you cultivate your inner strength
and do all in your power to accomplish God's will,
you will develop your atmic body
which represents the primordial power,
and it will becomes one with your physical body.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Once a disciple has gained a deeper grasp of things
by working with the spirit and the highest level of intelligence,
therefore, he can safely descend to the astral plane,
where he can develop kindness, love, forbearance, and greatness of soul.
After this he can descend even further, to the etheric plane,
where he will begin to see forms and colours and nature spirits.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Fire represents the borderline
between the etheric and the physical.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Do not turn the [astral] plane into a solid.
-Chaldean Oracle
One atom of the plane where he functions would shatter the world.
-Ibn 'Arabi