...open to what was there before all those patterns developed:
our true nature, what goes by hundreds of names -
Christ consciousness, Buddha nature, Spirit, essence, Atman -
depending on the tradition.
-Geneen Roth
Zen masters called this Unconditioned Self your original face;
Taoists, the uncarved block;
Christians, your original innocence;
Hindus, eternal bliss consciousness;
Alchemists, your inner gold;
St. Francis of Assisi, your eternal loveliness;
Thomas Merton, your secret beauty.
And so on.
-Robert Holden
There are many more terms used to describe the attainment
of the goal of spiritual knowledge and the eradication of spiritual ignorance.
Some of the terms are: Enlightenment, Resurrection, Salvation,
The Kingdom of Heaven, Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness,
Moksha or Liberation, Buddha Consciousness, One With the Tao,
Self-Realization, Know Thyself, Horushood, Nirvana, Sema, Yoga etc.
-Muata Ashby
What is left after dissociating from all these objects?
'I am'.
You cannot say what that experience is.
It is a timeless experience, a spaceless experience.
all pain and pleasure comes to an end;
there is not time, space and causation;
neither birth nor death; no more karma or reaction.
The seed is fried now by the fire of knowledge.
If you put the seed in the ground after frying it, it won't sprout.
It is called liberation, immortality or the superconscious state
or Self-consciousness or Self-realization or God-realization -
whatever you wish to name it.