
The sphere of light is growing larger and larger 
and brighter and brighter like a thousand suns.
The light streaming forth leaks through the cloud of the mind
creating a beautiful disk, Divine Mother in its centre.
-Sivananda Radha

Sunyata, The Void
Become like a crystal, crystal clear,
totally receptive to the passage of light,
In the crystal the molecules have aligned themselves
in such a manner as to enable light waves to pass.
Matter has adapted itself to becoming transparent to light.
-Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

The faculty of being luminous
is assuredly a thing more perfect than that of seeing light...
more purity in the substance,
more homogeneity in the parts,
more delicacy in the structure.
-Jean-Baptiste Robinet

Life, such as we wish to consider it, 
is but a struggle between two substances, 
or a continual exchange of light and darkness. 
One of these substances alternatively takes the place of the other, 
sometimes taking the male function and sometimes the female. 
And in a manner pleasing to the divine author, 
everything either changes into a pure light, 
or returns to the Cimmerian darkness, 
which shows that light and darkness are but one and the same thing, 
changing in form and value by the expansion or contraction of the substance.
-The Hermetic Recreations

Man must let his true nature blossom,
for there is inside him a light that asks only to shine.

I have in me the light of Nature; 
I am dark and bright; 
I spring from the Earth and I come out of Heaven. 
I am well known and yet a mere nothing. 
All colours shine in me and all metals by the beams of the Sun. 
I am the Carbuncle of the Sun.
-Coelum Terrae (1650)

All light is one
but colors a thousandfold.
-Fakhr-al-Din Iraqi

Light and vessel are always in balance,
because light comes from an infinite source
and thus will fill a vessel to its capacity.
-David A. Cooper

The smallest prisms contains the entire spectrum of light.
-William Douglas Horden