
When one has risen above human love
divine love springs forth.
-Vilayat Inayat Khan

When Divine Love is formulated into concrete science and knowledge,
a new heaven and a new earth shall come into being.
-Lucille Cedercrans

We will master this science and read this book of love.
God instructs.
Love is His school.
-Yunus Emre

Science is the language of the Temporal world,
Love is that of the Spiritual world.
-Honore de Balzac

He who would know the secrets of both worlds
will find that the secret of them both is Love.
-Farid ud-Din Attar

In love itself, there is no need,
no absence of anything, no void.
When we find it inside,
we discover we have enough for ourselves and for everyone else,
and we need go no further.
We become like a well;
we quench our own thirst
and have water enough for anyone who passes by.

Khusro! the river of love has a reverse flow
He who enters will drown, he who drowns will get across.
-Amir Khusrow Dehlawi

Love's conqueror is he
whom love conquers.
-Hakim Sanai

Love is what is left 
when you've let go of all the things you love.
-Jnaneshvara Bharati

If you live in love, you possess spiritual fertility.
-Anwar El Sadat

And the breath divine is love.
-William Blake

From each a mystic silence
Love demands.
-Farid al-Din 'Attar

The highest proof of spirit is love.
-Albert Schweitzer

Love is the gift of the spirit
and wants nothing but - to love.
-Alan Leo

The love between the soul and Spirit
is the perfect love.

Love is the union spirits.
Love is spiritual fire, spiritual heat.
-Emmanuel Swedenborg

The deepest love is often hidden.
-Yamamoto Tsunemoto

When you have attained ecstatic love 
you have found the rope to tie God with.

All thoughts, all passions, all delights,
Whatever stirs this mortal frame,
All are but ministers of Love,
And feed his sacred flame.
-Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I feel within me a consuming fire of heavenly love
which has burned up in my soul
everything that was contrary to itself
and transformed me inwardly into its own nature
-William Law

Love reaches its omega when it transcends itself
Becoming one with the object itself
Producing the unity of being.
-Hakim Jami

Whatever thou lovest,
That become thou must;
God if thou love God,
Dust if thou love dust.
-Hymn, "Though Christ a Thousand Times"

There is no greater intoxication than that of love
when it transcends the human object
and is directed towards the divine being.
-Vilayat Inayat Khan

It is God whom every lover
loves in every beloved.
-Ibn 'Arabi

The being of the lover and Beloved
Are the same, for where is Love without
A lover and Beloved to be found?
-Shah Nematollah Vali

Where love is,
there God is also.
-Mohandas Gandhi

I have found nothing in all the worlds
that could match His love,
This love that harrows the sands of my desert.
-Rabia al-Basri

The whole world is bewitched by his tale,
but wise are those who are lost in his love.

Now, tell I of Love,
which is God Himself and beyond words.
God's creation is a fraction of God,
but It (Love) is the deepest eternal joy.

I, who am infinite, seek infinite works -
that is, an infinite perfection of love.
-St. Catherine of Siena

Love is the wise man's stone: It divides gold from mud,
It makes nothing of self and turns me into God.
-Angelus Silesius

If you take what the Buddha and Christ said,
and all the great yogis, saints, sages,
mystics, and lovers of God,
it can be reduced to two words:
Choose Love.
There is nothing higher than Love,
nothing purer,
nothing more selfless,
nothing more powerful,
and it is present in every moment.
Choose Love.
In all times, in all places -
Choose Love,
for Love has already chosen you.
-Lawrence Edwards, "Kalidas"