
I cried, for happiness, for sadness,
but most of all, for emptiness.
-Daul Kim

The emptiness referred to in the teachings
is not a vacancy of a hollowness.
It is not an escape from ourselves;
it is the laying bare of ourselves.
-Judith Blackstone

People are afraid of the emptiness of space,
or the absence of company, the absence of shadow...
It is generally a fear a space,
a fear that we will not be able to anchor ourselves to any solid ground,
that we will lose out identity as a fixed and solid and definite thing.
-Chogyam Trungpa

Emptiness is the countermeasure against a dark cloud
Of contaminated knowledge and emotions.
He who wishes to achieve enlightenment soon
Should meditate on emptiness.

Look upon the body as unreal,
an image in a mirror,
the reflection of the moon in water.
Contemplate the mind as formless,
yet bright and pure.
Not a single thought arising,
empty, yet perceptive;
still, yet illuminating;
complete like the great emptiness,
containing all that is wonderful.
-Han Shan Te'-Ch'ing

The mind has neither color nor form.
Search for it: it is nowhere.

No matter how hard you try to find the root,
you'll only find emptiness.
-Master Geumo

Form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
-Heart Sutra

The emptiness of one thing
Represents the emptiness of all things.

Unborn emptiness has let go of the extremes of being and non-being.
Thus it is both the center itself and the central path.
Emptiness is the track on which the centered person moves.

At the heart of emptiness 
there is born in me a sudden understanding.
-Fabienne Verdier

Harmonize all that which emerges before you
With its fundamental nature of emptiness.

Your inner emptiness conceals just as great a fullness,
if you would only allow it to penetrate you.

There is no end to the fullness of emptiness.
-Chandra Mohan Jain "Osho"

In the volume of skylike emptiness,
Write with letters of pure awareness and wisdom.
Impart instructions for many diverse methods -
Proclaim the teachings in a stream that's unceasing!
-quoted by Miranda Shaw 
in Passionate Enlightenment; Women in Tantric Buddhism