
The principle is a simple one:
each higher energy has the power of organizing the lower ones...
Consciousness can organize sensitivity.
-J. G. Bennett

When we struggle against our energy,
we reject the source of wisdom.
-Trungpa Rinpoche

There are no bad energies,
only energies badly used.
-Elisabeth Haich

All life is energy.
If that energy is allowed to glow
without any contradiction, without any friction,
without any conflict,
then that energy is boundless, endless.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

Spirit and energy should be clear as the night air;
In the soundless is the ultimate pleasure all along.
-Sun Bu'er

Synergy is the perfect movement of energy,
which seeks its own kind and gathers itself
within a particular pulsation within a most divine timing,
until that energy meets itself as critical mass.
It builds up to a particular pitch and then explodes,
creating a kind of fission from which something new entirely proceeds.
-Chris Griscom